Number UP 66 District Name belongs to?
You want to know about UP 66 district name Regional Transport Office (RTO) number. Here UP stands for Uttar Pradesh state. Up 66 RTO registration area is Uttar Pradesh. It is used for vehicle registration in RTO.
RTO Info UP-66
The vehicle registration number UP 66 indicates that the vehicle is registered in the BHADOHI district city RTO in Uttar Pradesh, India.
The RTO code system in India helps identify vehicles and where they are registered. In Uttar Pradesh, every district or city RTO has a unique code that starts with UP, meaning Uttar Pradesh. The numbers that follow indicate specific areas or RTOs in the state. Here UP 66 specifically refers to the BHADOHI RTO.
UP 66 Registration Area: Regional Transport Office, 6M7, Chak Kishundas, Sarpatahan, Uttar Pradesh 221304.